You were never meant to lead alone. Community is built into the fabric of who we are as leaders. Our team has spent years learning how to lead alongside mentors, coworkers and friends, and we’ve captured some of the best lessons we’ve learned and we’re sharing them with you - our community.
We think the best way to learn how to be an everyday leader is alongside other everyday leaders just like you. That’s why we’ve put together courses and workshops to help you learn how to be the leader you know is already inside of you.
You were never meant to lead alone. Leadership is about sharing the journey with those around you. That’s why we’ve put together a collection of resources to help you lead in the everyday spaces and moments of life. The one’s where you need wisdom, encouragement, or just a new perspective on the situation you’re in.
Our team has taken our decades of experience and poured it into these resources so we can pour into you, wherever you are and wherever you’re leading.
A proven construct and coaching process that has been utilized for over 20 years for individuals, teams and organizations—-from a Fortune 500 company, small business teams, non-profits, and churches. We are privileged to steward this proven process to best serve individuals, teams and organizations.
You might love or hate your job. A career change is on the horizon. Maybe you have a high school student or college-aged student that is looking for clarity on their career path. Or maybe you want to make an impact in your local community or online. You might have an idea. A project. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference—-we can help you best talk about it and make action plans for clarity and maximum impact.

You are a leader. Maybe you don't think you are, because you don’t have a fancy title or position of “leadership”, but when it comes down to it at the simplest level, leadership is all about influence.
Because you're a leader, the For Everyday Leaders Podcast is for you. It's a show all about resourcing and inspiring everyday leaders to make great impact in their personal lives, work, and community.
Join hosts Brandon Faust and Alex Holt as they have conversations with everyday leaders across a wide variety of industries to talk about how we can all be an everyday leader.
There’s something that happens when leaders get in a room together and learn from each other. That’s why we created the Everyday Leader Event Series.
These small, intimate events are designed to help you press deeper into your everyday leadership alongside other like-minded leaders. You’ll hear from a variety of different leaders across various industries who will share more than just silver leadership bullets (because we all know those don’t really exist). They’ll share practical lessons about what it looks like to lead in the everyday spaces and moments of life.
Every day we’re being discipled by something or someone.
Our inner being is shaped by every event in life, action we take, response we make, thought we hold, emotion we allow, and relational dynamic we foster.
For some of us, that means being shaped toward wholeness in Jesus Christ, to live in, through, and for God. As disciples of Jesus, we want to be formed more into the image of Christ so that we may live an abundant life in Him and for the sake of others.
We offer resources and frameworks to help equip you to be a disciple of Jesus first, then disciple others to impact your community in the everyday.