balancing intentional relationships
We can evaluate the health and balance of our relationships through the “triangle” of UP-IN-OUT. Certain spheres may not come naturally to us, so we may find ourselves out of balance at times. What can we learn from Jesus’ life to balance healthy, intentional relationships?

shakers and stackers
Leaders are readers. Different kinds of books shape our development as learners, leaders, and disciple-makers. Some challenge our current perspectives, sometimes radically shifting our worldview and pushing us into new ways of thinking and living. Others build upon our existing knowledge, providing clarity and new language to deepen our understanding. Both types are essential for spiritual and intellectual growth.

Making Room for Home this holiday
Scripture makes clear in so many passages that the Lord of the universe wants to make His home with and in us. But not just that – He wants to BE home to us. When we don’t feel at home, or even understand what home is, His Kingdom is our true home, and we dwell in it through Christ in us. We share that sense of home with others when we are Christ to them through our words and actions. How can we embody “home” for others this holiday season?

expressing gratitude
Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with family, reflecting on blessings, and sharing a meal around the table. It’s also a time when tensions can rise. Even with its challenges, Thanksgiving offers us an opportunity to shift our perspective. By focusing on gratitude, intentional listening, and thoughtful communication, we can transform our family gatherings into moments of connection and joy.

countering identity lies: lessons from Jesus
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke describe Jesus being led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan for forty days. The Bible mentions three specific temptations that Jesus encountered. These three temptations mirror the lies we often believe about our own identity. By examining these temptations of Jesus and how He responded, we can uncover the false narratives we often believe about who we are and how we can counter these lies to live as God’s beloved children.

DISCOVERING our habits
Our habits shape our hearts. How we regularly spend our time molds our passions and priorities over time, even unintentionally. By examining our habits, we can become more aware of how we use our time so that we can align our activities with who we want to become and live out of the deepest desires of our hearts.

practicing presence through active listening
In an era of distraction, one of the greatest gifts we can give people is our presence. Being fully present with another person includes listening well. When we engage in a conversation through active listening, the speaker feels heard, understood, and valued.

Crafting a rule of life
Establishing intentional rhythms through a rule of life allows us to experience true freedom, joy, and peace as we daily align our values with our priorities and passions. We create space in our days to offer ourselves to God to be continually transformed and to purposely live out His command to fully love Him and our neighbors.

How We Relate To Work
Knowing how we relate to work based on our personality traits informs what type of work we may thrive in - not just the jobs that we have the skills to do, but work we actually enjoy. “Holland Codes” provide six working types that inform how we work, and we can help you discover them through our Life Mapping U framework.

Know - Grow - sow
What do you know? Where can you grow? Who can you sow into? When you answer these questions, you can start being intentional about who you’re leading, how you’re leading, and possible outcomes of your leadership.

praying in the middle voice
Praying in the “middle voice” is how Jesus prayed and what He modeled for His disciples. Middle voice prayers restore our identity as active participants in God’s ongoing re-creation and redemptive work, in our own lives and the world around us.

Start Something: Living on Mission in the Everyday
Do you have a tug on your heart for a specific cause, conflict, or injustice? Or do you see a need in our community that you would love to help meet? Often we can feel paralyzed because the issue seems so overwhelming, and we don’t know where to begin. Wayfinders’ “Start Something” framework puts flesh on the bones of that idea for good.